Design review facilitates clarifications on any assumptions and advice requested including compliance to contractual and applicable statutory requirements. Design review provides a platform to optimise design of a product through well-structured and planned review and feedback from interested parties. Design review enhances communication-reduce cost and misunderstanding between interested parties manage changes-
- IQC Global Engineering LLC conducts design review of following equipment for compliance to contractual and applicable statutory requirements.
- Pressure vessels as per ASME SEC VIII Division I and II (latest edition)
- Material remaining strength evaluation and assessment of defects such as external and internal corrosion, dents, gouges, cracks according to ASME B31G and API
- Fitness for Service (FFS) assessment of in- service pressure vessels, piping and storage tanks according to API 510, 570 and 653
- Determination Working Pressure (MAWP), Hydrotest pressure and Remaining Life of equipment
- Review and Analysis of In-Line Inspection (ILI) data associated with midstream pipelines. Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
IQC Global Engineering LLC do not provide following services with a focus on maintaining impartiality of inspection services
• Consultancy services for product manufacturing and inspection
• Non-destructive examination services of any kind
• Inspection services on behalf of an EPC contractor, when a client has confirmed the inspection assignment for the same contract
• Design and Engineering services for a product
• Services to those entities in which they have operating interest.